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County Progression: 1816: Jackson from Clark, Washington and Jefferson 1818: Lawrence and Monroe from Orange 1836: Brown from Monroe, Jackson and Bartholomew

The East Kentucky Combs Dickey Diary Interviews include several references to migrations from Clay & Perry Cos, KY (earlier to Indiana, with only one specific reference, which is to Salt Creek, a long rambling creek that seems to run through half the counties in Indiana. The Salt Creek of the Combs, was, however, actually, South Fork Salt Creek, that stretch of it located on present-day maps just northwest of Maumee, Jackson Co, IN (near the county lines of Brown, Monroe and Lawrence), which includes Combs Branch, Combs Creek and Fleetwood Branch (and just south of Maumee, a Callahan Branch). Among those Combs known to have been in this area according to the Dickey Diary Interviews are:

  1. Winnifred Combs (d/o William & Seth STACY Combs, Sr., s/o Mason Combs, Sr.), m (1) Samuel SUMNER; (2) Robert HICKS, Sr. Her daughter, Syntha, m Jeremiah C. "Chunky" Combs (s/o Nicholas & Nancy GRIGSBY Combs, Sr. of the "8") of Perry Co, KY. In 1830, one Robert HICKS was in Lawrence Co, IN and the other in Jackson (probably Jr. and Sr.)
  2. Henry Combs, Sr. of the "8" (s/o John Combs, Sr., s/o Mason Combs, Sr.), m (1) 1788, Montgomery Co, VA, Rachael CLEMENTS; (2) ca 1832, Perry Co, KY, Phoebe FRANCIS. Not found on any census ("hidden" in household of a child?)
  3. Sarah Combs (d/o Jeremiah "Long" Combs according to The Combes Genealogy…); m 16 Dec 1832, Lawrence Co, IN, Shadrach STACY (s/o Simon & Elizabeth DAVIDSON Stacy, first cousin to Winnifred Combs Sumner Hicks), but returned almost immediately to Perry Co, KY (based on children's birth locations per 1850 Perry Co, KY Census).
  4. William Riley Combs, b Aug 1810, Kentucky, ancestry unknown, not yet found on any IN census, but m 1 Mar 1831, Lawrence Co, IN, Sylvia SUTTON, and is found in the records of Brown, Lawrence and Jackson Cos, IN, where he died in 1899. He was not son of Jeremiah "Long" since the latter had a son, William Lorenzo. He named his first four sons, Silas, Edward, James and Joseph, names which are found in East Kentucky, but no "strong" clues (See also Silas, s/o Charles Combs of Monroe Co, IN).

Note: Biram Combs is also mentioned in the Dickey Diary Interviews as having gone to Indiana, but appears to have gone much earlier, from Clay Co, KY, pre-1820 (See Greene Co, IN). Other families known to have been part of the migration to Salt Creek area included CALLAHAN, CORNETT, FLEETWOOD, JOHNSON, POLLY, RIPPEE, STACY and SUMNER. Some later removed to Ray (became Worth) and Pulaski (became Wright) Cos, MO.

Township 7 North, Range 2 East, Sections 21, and 22 (Jackson Co)
Township 7 North, Range 2 East, Section 2 (Brown Co)
Township 7 North, Range 1 East, Section 36 (Monroe Co)


Section 2: Brown County

Combs Henry Y N Indiana 12293 Y August 15, 1838 Jeffersonville 1 SESW 2/ 7 N 2 E N 2nd Principal 40 Brown IN2720_.262

The Neighbors:

FLEETWOOD, ADAM 09/09/1835 4827 IN0290__.316
JOHNSON, DAVID 09/16/1835 5436 IN0300__.425
FLEETWOOD, THOMAS 05/01/1845 19146 IN2860__.102
FLEETWOOD, THOMAS 05/10/1848 19336 IN2860__.290
POLLEY, JAMES 12/01/1849 22202 IN2920__.093
FLEETWOOD, THOMAS 12/01/1849 22053 IN2920__.212
POLLEY, JAMES 07/01/1852 23252 IN2940__.129
EAST, JAMES G 04/15/1853 23509 IN2940__.378
FLEETWOOD, SOLOMON 04/15/1853 23447 IN2940__.320
HOLLEY, CHARLES 07/01/1857 25399 IN2980__.054

Section 22: Jackson County

Combs William R. Y N Indiana 20839 Y May 10, 1848 Jeffersonville 1 SWNE 22/ 7 N 2 E N 2nd Principal 40 Jackson IN2890_.330

Combs William R Y N Indiana 23301 Y July 1, 1852 Jeffersonville 1 NWNE 22/ 7 N 2 E N 2nd Principal 0 Jackson IN2940_.177

Combs William R Y N Indiana 23301 Y July 1, 1852 Jeffersonville 2 NWSW 22/ 7 N 2 E N 2nd Principal 80 Jackson IN2940_.177

The Neighbors:

FINDLEY, WASHINGTON G 08/08/1859 25026 IN2980__.404
GINTER, FREDERICK 07/01/1857 25402 IN2980__.056
LUTES, PHILIP 07/01/1852 22982 IN2930__.391
LUTES, PHILIP 04/15/1848 23448 IN2940__.321
LUTES, PHILIP 09/01/1856 24829 IN2960__.411
ROBERTSON, MADISON 05/10/1848 19342 IN2860__.296

Section 21: Jackson County

Combs William Y N Indiana 23300 Y July 1, 1852 Jeffersonville 1 NENE 21/ 7 N 2 E N 2nd Principal 0 Jackson IN2940_.176
Combs William Y N Indiana 23300 Y July 1, 1852 Jeffersonville 1 SESE 21/ 7 N 2 E N 2nd Principal 80 Jackson IN2940_.176

Combs William R. of Jackson Y N Indiana 25312 Y September 1, 1856 Jeffersonville 1 NWSE 21/ 7 N 2 E N 2nd Principal 0 Jackson IN2960_.323
Combs William R Y N Indiana 25312 Y September 1, 1856 Jeffersonville 2 SENE 21/ 7 N 2 E N 2nd Principal 80 Jackson IN2960_.323

The Neighbors:

COX, CHARLES B 07/01/1857 25097 IN2970__.363
FINDLEY, WASHINGTON G 04/08/1859 25027 IN2980__.405

Section 36: Monroe County

Combs, William Riley of Lawrence Y N Indiana 8206 Y August 1, 1837 Jeffersonville 1 NESW 36/ 7 N 1 E N 2nd Principal 40 Monroe IN2640_.173

The Neighbors:

BROWNING, BENJAMIN 08/15/1838 12595 IN2730__.060
FLEATWOOD, THOMAS 11/27/1826 1251 IN0220__.341
FLEETWOOD, JAMES 04/10/1843 17842 IN2830__.289
FLEETWOOD, JAMES 05/10/1848 19444 IN2860__.398
FLEETWOOD, JAMES 12/01/1849 21920 IN2910__.479
FLEETWOOD, THOMAS 09/09/1835 4728 IN0290__.217
HICKS, ROBERT 09/16/1835 5477 IN0300__.466
MITCHELL, WILLIAM 04/15/1853 23528 IN2940__.397
MITCHELL, WILLIAM 06/01/1860 25199 IN2980__.439
RAGSDALE, JOHN W 04/10/1848 20585 IN2890__.074
TODD, JAMES 04/10/1848 20136 IN2880__.189
TODD, JAMES 07/01/1852 23253 IN2940__.130