Combs &c. Research The Maryland Revolution of 1689
Col. Henry Darnell Surrenders and Flees

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Col. Henry DARNELL, a Catholic, was a member of the Provincial Council when Rev. Col. John COODE struck. A long-time resident of the Province of Maryland, and close advisor of Lord Baltimore, Col. DARNELL had married Elinor HATTON, widow of Major Thomas BROOKE, daughter of Richard and Margaret HATTON (who m 2nd Capt. Richard BANKS), and niece of Thomas HATTON, former Secretary of the Province. Henry's daughter Ann, had married Clement HILL, Jr., nephew of Clement HILL, Sr. of St. Clements Manor (witness to the 1684 will of Abraham COMBES); his daughter, Elinor was wife of William DIGGES, Sr.; his daughter, Mary, the wife of Charles CARROLL (whose son, Charles, married Dorothy BLAKE, great-niece of Col. Peter SAYER); and his daughter, Elizabeth, to Edward DIGGES, Jr. Col. DARNELL and his wife both died in Anne Arundel County. He was a well known figure to most Marylanders, and the change in his circumstances in 1689 must have been enormous.

It appears probable that Col. DARNELL travelled to London with Barbara MORGAN Rousby Smith. In a letter dated 4 May 1690, the Rev. Col. COODE refers to DARNELL'S voyage, stating:
"Colonell Henry DARNALL who got on board the said EVERARD and went home with him to England a Person the Lord Baltemore raised from the meanest condition to be keeper of his great seale and one of the most crimminall of any of his deputies for the many treasonable endeavors and expressions against their Majesties and the many cruelities and opressions committed upon their subjects of this Province of whome and of whose behaviour in some considerable particulars of this nature one Captain William GINNIS, Captaine George COMBES and Captaine Robert GOODINGE can informe who sailed home last yeare without their full clearing, the said DARNALL refusing to signe the same with the Collector in King William's name, with many violent and unbecoming expressions against his Royaltie..."


The Narrative of Coll. Henry DARNALL late
one of the Councill of the Right Honble
the Ld Proprietary of the Province of Maryld

31st Decer 1689.

On the 25th of March last Coll: JOWLES sent word to the Council (then at St Marys) that three thousand Indians were coming down on the Inhabitants, and were at the head of Puttuxent River, and required Arms and Amunition for the people to go against the said Indians, all which was with all expedition sent him by Coll. DIGGES, the next morning I went up myself to Coll. JOWLES, were I found them all in arms, and they told me they heard there was three Thousand Indians at Matapany (from whence I then came) I assured the people it was a false report, & offered myself to goe in person, if they could advise me where any Enemies were, Indians or others, whereat they seemed very well satisfied. I began to suspect this was only a contrivance of some ill minded men who under this pretence would raise the Country, as by what happened afterwards we had reason to believe upon the most diligent search and enquiry into this whole matter, noe Indians anywhere appeared, and whenever any Messenger was sent to the place where it was said the Indians were come, there the Inhabitants would tell them they heard they were landed at such a place, but after long search from place to place and noe sign of any Indians, the people were pretty well pacified, and Coll. JOWLES himself wrote a Remonstrance (the Copy whereof is here enclosed) which he signed; as did several others who had the Examination of this matter, the which was published in order to quiet the People, who in a few days seemed to be freed from their apprehensions. From this time until the 16th of July the Country was all quiet and no appearance of any Enemy to disturb them Indians or else. On the said 16th of July a Messenger came to me at Matapany in the night time to acquaint me that John COODE was raising men up Potowmack, whereupon I informed the Councill thereof, who immediately dispatched a person to know the truth, but the said person was taken by COODE as a spy and by him kept, so the Council had no notice until two dayes of anything, when they were assured that COODE had raised men up Potowmack and that some were come to him out of Charles County, who were all marching down toward St Maryes, and in their way were joined with Maj CAMBELL and his men Coll. DIGGES having notice thereof got together about an hun dred men and went info the State House of St Maryes, which COOD and his party came to attack, and which Coll. DIGGES (his men not being willing to fight) was forced to surrender, wherein were the records of the whole Province, which Good and his party seized. In this while Majr SEWALL and myself went up Puttuxent River to raise men to oppose said COOD and his party, where wee found most of the Officers ready to come in to us, but their men were possessed with the belief that COOD rose only to preserve the Country from the Indians and Papists and to proclaim the King and Queen and would do them noe harm, and therefore would not stir to run them selves into danger, soe that all the men wee could get amounted not to one hundred and sixty, but by this time COOD's party were encreased to seven hundred. The Council seeing how the people were led away by false reports and shams, in order to quiet them and give them all imaginable assurance they were clear and innocent of inviteing the Indians down as was laid to their charge offered to make Coll. JOWLES (who was the cheif of their party next to COOD) Genll of all the Forces in the Province, and sent such an offer to him, who returned a very civil answer that having communicated what he wrote to his own men he had with him, they were extremely satisfied therewith, and gave us hopes he would come down to us, but to the contrary he went and joyned COOD at St Maryes, to whom and to all, then in Armes there, the Council sent a Proclamation of pardon upon condition they would lay down their armes and repair to their respective Habitations, the which COOD (as wee were credibly informed) instead of reading to the People what was therein contained, read a dyfyance from Us, whereby to enrage and not to pacify them. COOD and his party having thus made themselves masters of the State House and the Records at St Maryes, borrowed some great guns of one Capt BURNHAM Mar of a ship belonging to London, and came to attack Matapany House, the which when he came before he sent a trumpeter and demanded a surrender, we desired a parley and personal Treaty in the hearing of the People, which COOD would never consent to, wee knew if we could but obtain that in the hearing of the People, we should be able to disabuse them, and clear ourselves of what they were made believe against us, but this wee could never get at their hands, but to the contrary they used all possible means to keep the people ignorant of what we proposed or offered, and made use of such artifices as the following to exasperate them. They caused a man to come riding Post with a Letter wherein was contained that our neighbour Indians had cut up their Corn and were gone from their Towns, and that there was an Englishman found with his belly ript open, which in truth was noe such thing as they themselves owned after Mattapany House was surrendered. Wee being in this condition and no hope left of quieting or repelling the People thus enraged, to prevent effusion of blood, capitulated and surrendered. After the surrender of the said House his Lordshipp's Councill endeavoured to send an Accot of these transactions, by one JOHNSON master of a Ship bound for London to his Lordship the which the said JOHNSON delivered to COOD When wee found wee could send no Letters Majr SEWALL and myself, desired of JOHNSON wee might have a passage in him for England to give his Lordship Accot of matters by word of mouth, which the said JOHNSON refused upon pretended Orders to the contrary from COOD. Where upon Majr SEWALL and myself went to Pensylvania to endeavour to get a passage there, upon which COOD and his party took occasion to give out, wee were gone to bring in the Northern Indians, but we missing of a passage there came back and stayd in Ann Arrundell County (who never had joyned with COOD nor his party) until the 26th of September when (Majr SEWALL then being sick) I myself got a passage hither in one Everard. As to their proceedings in their Assembly, I can give noe Account, only that they have taken several Prisoners.


December 31st 1689.
Coll. DARNALL's Narrative
of the troubles in Maryland.


The Maryland Protestant Revolution of 1689
Combs &c. Families of Maryland

Edited and proofed by Combs Researchers from Archives of Maryland, Vol. VIII, Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/8-1693, "Letters Illustrating the History of Maryland in the Years 90," William Hand Browne, Editor, Maryland Historical Society, 1890.